Wednesday 13 May 2015

Installing guest domains ldm

Linux, guest domains or zones

Configure Host for LDOM
Installing guest domains Oracle Virtual server LDOM

If you are starting with a new SPARC System upgrade the firmware

There are many ways to skin a cat, Depending what you want accomplish.  If you wan tto be able to live migrate your VM to another Host, choose  option B below. Option C is preferred with one LUN and many VM but does not allow live migration. Easiest setup but not recommended for production is option A.

A-Create disk file in a Large LUN. You can have many VM's on this LUN.

1. create a disk image file

# mkfile -n 30g  /vmdsk/disk0.img
2. define vdisk to be done in each server from the pool

# ldm add-vdsdev /vmdsk/disk0.img vol0@vds0

B-for faster IO and best redundancy one LUN per VM

from luxadm probe get logical path

2. define vdisk to be done in each server from the pool

# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/rdsk/c0t60A9800044314F6C54244648362D3048d0s2 vol1@vds0

C- use zfs with zpool on LUN no live migration

zpool create ldompool /dev/rdsk/c3t500A098188567155d5

zfs create ldompool/somass

zfs create -V 30g ldompool/somass/OSsomass

Now that you decided how to use your storage we setup the guest Domains or VM's.

Using my preferred choice allows live migration of VMs

create a guest domain named somass.

# ldm add-domain somass

 add eight virtual CPUs to guest domain.

# ldm add-vcpu 2 somass

# ldm add-memory 2G somass

set properties on domain

#ldm set-var auto-boot\?=true somass

Previous section option B One LUN per VM for HA for each server on the pool
find disks with luxadm probe and use the Node WWN for luxadm display "Node WWN"
# luxadm probe
No Network Array enclosures found in /dev/es

Found Fibre Channel device(s):
  Node WWN:500a098088567155  Device Type:Disk device
    Logical Path:/dev/rdsk/c3t500A098188567155d0s2
    Logical Path:/dev/rdsk/c3t500A098198567155d0s2

With NetApp on iSCSI you can only see the serial number so match those to the LUN if your have a storage manager that only gives you the LUN numbers.

~# luxadm display 500a098088567155 | less
DEVICE PROPERTIES for disk: 500a098088567155
  Vendor:               NETAPP
  Product ID:           LUN
  Revision:             820a
  Serial Num:           D1OlK+FYPaUI
  Unformatted capacity: 512078.000 MBytes
  Read Cache:           Enabled
    Minimum prefetch:   0x0
    Maximum prefetch:   0x0
  Device Type:          Disk device


Once you have match the serial numbers to the /dev/rdsk and size.

# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/rdsk/c3t500A098188567155d0s2 OSsomass@vds0
#ldm add-vdsdev /dev/rdsk/c3t500A098198567155d3s2 Datasomass@vds0

Note that all servers where the VM are to be migrated have to have the same vdsdev and vol name. You cannot copy and paste from one Host server to another Host if you are trying to do live migration, each host sees the iSCSI dev different. So the /dev/rdsk/  are different.

# ldm add-vdisk OSsomass OSsomass@vds0 somass

check for you new drives with ldm in both hosts servers for Volumes to and vsd to be the same.

#ldm ls-constraints
    NAME             VOLUME         OPTIONS          MPGROUP        DEVICE
                     sol11.2                                        /iso/sol-11_2-text-sparc.iso
                     OSsomass                                       /dev/rdsk/c3t500A098188567155d5s2
                     Datasomass                                     /dev/rdsk/c3t500A098198567155d3s2

# ldm set-var boot-device=OSsomass somass

For a VLAN tags configure the tagged VLAN with vid. Configured the same for all servers to host the VM. if you are not using Vlans leave out the pvid and vid. No need for a VLAN on guest eaither.

# ldm add-vsw pvid=1 vid=3,8 net-dev=net2 chis2-vsw primary

# ldm add-vnet pvid=1 vid=3,8 vnet2 chis2-vsw somass

Once again use ldm ls-constraints to see that your setting match on both servers for live migration.

# ldm ls-constraints

    NAME             MAC               NET-DEV   ID   DEVICE     LINKPROP   DEFAULT-VLAN-ID PVID VID                  MTU   MODE   INTER-VNET-LINK
    chis2-vsw                          net2      1    switch@1                                                                1               1    3,8 
    NAME             SERVICE                     ID   DEVICE     MAC               MODE   PVID VID                  MTU   MAXBW      LINKPROP
    vnet2           chis2-vsw                           0                                                                      1    3,8   

Check for correct VLAN to be configured and same names on VSW (virtual switch server) in both servers for live migration.

# ldm bind-domain somass
# ldm list-domain somass

Install OS from iso create a temporary device and attached to VM. I download and stored the iso on a folder I can add this iso as a virtual device disk, Keep it as a device for future installations.

#ldm add-vdsdev /vmdsk/sol-11_2-text-sparc.iso  iso@vds0
#ldm add-vdisk s11-dvd iso@vds0 somass

Start the guest domain

# ldm start somass

Check CONS number with

#ldm ls
somass           active          -n----    5000                2     8G       0.9%  0.9%  

#telnet localhost 5000

{0} ok devalias

find disk with label s11-dvd

{0} ok boot  s11-dvd

Configure as it suits your needs. If you are using VLANs then you need to configure as indicated below.

On guest domain VM somass:

# dladm create-vlan -l net0 -v3
# dladm show-link
LINK                CLASS     MTU    STATE    OVER
net0                   phys      1500   up       --
net3000             vlan      1500   up       net0

# ipadm create-ip net3000
# ipadm delete-ip net0
# ipadm create-addr -T static -a net3001

remove iso after installation

#ldm remove-vdisk s11-dvd somass

user format to find drive inside vm and create a new zpool. This is Datasomass@vds0

~# format
Searching for disks...done

c1d2: configured with capacity of 2048.00GB

       0. c1d1 <NETAPP-LUN-820a-30.00GB>
       1. c1d2 <NETAPP-LUN-820a-2.00TB>
Specify disk (enter its number):

then Ctrl C

#zpool create data c1d2
# zpool list
data   1.98T   118K  1.98T   0%  1.00x  ONLINE  -
rpool  29.8G  10.3G  19.4G  34%  1.00x  ONLINE  -

test the live migration

#ldm migrate somass my-secondhost'

If you want to authenticate against AD

If you need to use gnome or the desktop package

Monitor your server with nagios

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